Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am Turning Over a New Leaf !!!

Well, I am back after two months of not having any computer at home due to "technical problems"............ Life felt so strange not being having instant access to the information super highway !!!

But now I am back in touch and can carry on with my blog.

Something else happened in the last two months............... I fell right off the food wagon !!!

Yup, I put on two kilograms and a couple % body fat. How did this happen, you may ask?

Well, too much enjoyment of the festive season in December started my downward decline, and I just got too lazy to pick up where I left off before Santa gave me a spare tyre for Christmas.

So, TODAY IS THE DAY --- I have officially jumped back on the healthy food and exercise wagon, and am determined to lose this spare tyre in the next 10 weeks.

I am going to post my routines and results every week, so that hopefully I can be an inspiration to other people who had the same experience as me. We can all get back on the fat loss wagon and be hugely successful. Forget about the past, look ahead to the future, and don't beat yourself up over a slight slip up.

So, today I started with the "Introductory Level Workout" from Craig Ballantyne's "Turbulence Training for Fat Loss" .

I am starting off slow, because having not exercised for a couple months, I don't want to overdo it, and get too stiff and sore.

It was so enjoyable. It is all bodyweight exercises I can do at home, and only took me 30 minutes this morning ....... so nice and quick, but from experience with the TT Workouts, I know it is amazingly effective.

I have revised my eating habits again and am busy re-reading Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" . This is my Fat Loss 'Bible' and is simply fantastic when it comes to getting fat loss nutrition right.

I have also started keeping track of my food and drink intake on "Fitday" which offers a free service to do this.

So, I will keep updating this blog with my progress so stay tuned.

Yours in Health and Happiness

Want to find out about my FAVOURITE fat loss resource?
Click Here!
Need a guaranteed exercise program you can do at home or at gym?
Click Here!

Monday, December 8, 2008

What Cardio is Best for Fat Loss ?

Oh boy … Technology is wonderfull … when it works !!! I have been without internet for a week and was suffering with a guilty conscience not being able to add more information on my blog for everyone.

So, on catching up on my email this morning, I received a newsletter from Craig Ballantyne, my favourite exercise author and owner of
Turbulence Training. I highly recommend signing up for his free newsletters (Click Here to go to his site to sign up for his free newsletters – I love them - Turbulence Training.)

This is an extract from his last newsletter I wanted to share with you:

Over 40 years ago, Dr. Kenneth Cooper invented the term "aerobics"
to describe what most people call "cardio".

Now I don't blame him personally for wasting the time of millions of men and women who were suckered into believing cardio was the best way to lose weight.

It's not his fault at all. The problem was too many uneducated trainers misunderstood the point of Dr. Cooper's aerobic workouts, and well, here we are.

In the past 2 years I've discovered 3 very interesting research studies...

1) One study showed interval training was better than cardio at burning belly fat (and cut the workout time in half)

2) A second study found that 300 hours of cardio per year helped men lose only 6 pounds (and women lost only 4 pounds). So that's about 50 hours of cardio per pound of weight lost - at BEST!

3) A third study found some folks start eating MORE when they start a cardio program. These folks end up gaining weight on aerobics.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying cardio makes you fat (as a few people have asked), but it might cause you to eat more, and therefore indirectly you might gain weight because of cardio.

After all, something is going on because I continue to get emails from women who are doing 5 or more hours of cardio per week and their thighs are getting BIGGER!

What a cruel, cruel joke your body must be playing on you!

So we've had 40 years of cardio's oppressing reign on the weight loss hopes and dreams of millions of men and women.

That's why I wrote my book, "Just Say NO to Cardio"

Click Here to Check it Out!

I also wanted to share with you the interval training revolution.

My mentors at McMaster University, where I did my graduate studies, were among the first scientists to recommend interval training guidelines back in 1981!

I stumbled across their research paper - and still carry it around in my interval training files - as my foundation for fat burning workouts.

I first used these programs in the mid-1990's while training clients on "the back 40" of the University training grounds. I tried hundreds of combinations of interval training programs, and each one helped my clients burn belly fat in record time.

Those were my first clients who were able to, "Just Say NO to Cardio"
and get faster results.

Only a couple of years later, while working in scientific lab, I would create the first complete Turbulence Training workout.

For the rest of the story, grab your copy of:

Click Here to Check it Out!

In my book you'll learn everything you need to know about how to burn fat and lose inches without doing slow, boring cardio again.

Viva la interval training revolution,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training

PS - I've put together a bonus package of 4 workouts and an exclusive, never-heard-before motivational audio message from me to you for everyone that buys the book.

Visit this link to get your early Christmas Presents:

Click Here to Check it Out!

I have posted this (hope Craig does not mind me sharing it !!!) because I am a fanatical fan of Craig’s workouts and philosophies. Craig’s TT Training Manual introduced me to interval training, and I haven’t looked back. I love the fact that it only takes 20 minutes, and is fun to do. Interval training is also so versatile, because you can use anything from a stationary bike, treadmill, bodyweight circuits, to sprints up the hill outside your house ….

If you are still doing long, boring cardio sessions, you just have to check this out:
Click Here to Check it Out!

I have two AMAZING FREE reports written by Craig Ballantyne that he has given me permission to give to my friends, so send me an email at
" jstep@telkomsa.net " with “Cardio Reports” in the subject line, and I will happily send them to you (they are PDF files, so there is no cost involved – I love FREE STUFF !!! especially reports like these that have really great information in them).

Well, until the next time, have a great day and keep fit and healthy.

Want to find out about my FAVOURITE fat loss resource?
Click Here!
Need a guaranteed exercise program you can do at home or at gym?
Click Here!

Monday, December 1, 2008

That Article I Promised You !!!

I promised that I would put many great fat loss articles here on my blog, because I really want to give everyone truthful and interesting information on how to burn fat and stay lean and fit. Tomorrow, more about my " Burn Fat How " journey.

So, here is an article for you specially ahead of the festive season.
:-) Enjoy.

How to Stay on Your Diet and Stay in Shape Over the Holidays Without Turning into a Miserable Scrooge!
(A Holiday Survival Guide)

By Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS

My mom makes the most amazing Christmas cake in the world; it’s been a tradition in our family for as long as I can remember. First, she mixes up a light, fluffy, vanilla cake mix, pours it into the pans and then pops it in the oven. After it’s been baked, she stacks the cake in two layers with whipped cream spread generously between each layer. She then pours on red and green Jell-O, which gets soaked up inside the cake. Next, whipped cream is smothered all the way around for frosting. And finally, she garnishes it with red and green sprinkles. A few red and green-striped candy canes are stuck in the top as the finishing touch, and off it goes to the refrigerator so it can be served chilled later.

Now let me tell you, as a bodybuilder, I have a lot of discipline. But when that moist, delicious, red and green, Jell-O-filled, whipped-cream covered cake is sitting on the table in front of me on December 25th, it takes every ounce of my willpower to keep from calling it a “VERY high carb day” and devouring numerous very large slices.

Despite the temptation, I don’t “pig out” nor do I deprive myself. Instead, I’m content with eating my single piece, savoring every mouthwatering bite, all the while repeating my mantra, “Nothing tastes as good as being lean feels.”

The next day, on December 26th, I’m on the bike or Stairmaster at the crack of dawn, followed by six perfect meals of lean protein and complex carbohydrate - just like every other day of the year.

A week later, on December 31st, I usually go out for a nice dinner (very naughty food, I must admit), and then we toast champagne to the New Year at midnight. I’m in bed at a reasonable hour shortly thereafter.

Unless it’s a scheduled day of rest on New Years day, I’m not groggy and hung over like many of my friends are. I’m in the gym squatting, bench pressing, curling, or “stairmastering” just like I usually am.

And here’s the point: You can and should enjoy the holidays. You can enjoy being with family and going out with friends. You can go to holiday parties and have fun. You can enjoy a few “naughty” meals. You can have a piece of cake and a glass or two of champagne. There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy yourself AND stay healthy, lean and fit through the holidays. All it takes is some planning, some goal-setting and little dose of old-fashioned discipline.

I’d like to share with you 10 ways that you can follow your diet and stay in great shape over the holidays without turning into a “miserable Scrooge.” If you follow this advice, then you’ll be one of the proud few with a New Year’s resolution to be the best you’ve ever been in the new year to come - instead of one of the guilt-ridden many who must resolve to reclaim what they lost over the year that’s just passed them by.

1. Expect to stay on your program over the holidays

“Fail to plan and you plan to fail” is a time worn and cliché statement, but it’s still some of the best success advice you will ever hear.

Not only do most people fail to plan, they consciously plan to fail over the holidays. Most people expect to “blow” their diet and skip workouts over the holidays. They expect to eat more, to exercise less and to gain weight. As a result, they don’t even make the effort.

Instead of taking control, they resign themselves to maintenance at best, or back-sliding at worst. This negative expectancy leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy. By the first week of January, they’re in the worst shape they’ve been in for a year and they frantically make New Year’s resolutions to shed the excess fat they’ve gained.

You can avoid this trap by planning to succeed during the holidays. Set up a positive expectation. Resolve now that you will not tolerate slipping backwards. Keep your standards up and don’t settle! Not only can you plan to “stay in shape” over the holidays, you can plan to improve! All you have to do is make the decision and expect success.

2. Plan all your workouts in advance

You know your schedule is going to get hectic over the holidays. You’ll be cooking, shopping, wrapping gifts, sending cards, going to parties, traveling, visiting family, and so on. To stay on your training and nutrition regimen is definitely going to take some sound time management skills.

Plan your schedule in advance. Anticipate what’s coming up. Write it down. Put it on your calendar. By doing so, you won’t be caught unprepared.

Use a schedule book or monthly calendar and “make appointments” for ALL your workouts for the entire holiday season. Then, post a copy where you will be forced to look at it every day. This is a powerful exercise that will keep you focused and force you to think about and prepare for each upcoming workout.

If you try to “wing it” and squeeze in your workouts and meals whenever you have time left over, you’ll find that there never is any time left over! Somehow your daily activities always seem to “expand” to fill the hours in every day. So schedule your workouts and meal times in your calendar just like you would any other appointment or event. Once you’ve done that, stick to your schedule religiously.

3. Set some compelling training and fitness goals over the holiday period

Don’t wait until January 1st to set your goals just because you think it will be harder to achieve them over the holidays. On the contrary, studies on personal achievement have shown that you’ll usually reach 80% of the goals you put onto paper. The problem is that few people set any goals at all, and fewer still set them during the holidays.

Why wait? Why not do it now? Set some big goals that you can start working on during the holidays:

Set a goal to lose the 25 lbs you’ve always wanted to lose NOW Set the goal to gain 10 lbs of solid muscle NOW Been contemplating a competition in bodybuilding, fitness or the new ladies figure division? Pick an early spring show and GO FOR IT - START TRAINING NOW!

Goal setting should not be a once a year affair, it should be a continuous process. You should always have your goals in writing and your list should be regularly updated and rewritten. If you only set goals once a year, you’re not going to accomplish much in your life.

4. Give yourself permission to have “free meals” and schedule them in
A planned “free meal” or “re-feeding day” helps you to stay on your program better in the long run. If you’re too strict all the time, you’re setting yourself up for cravings and binge eating.

A few free meals per week will have very little effect on your physique. Also, if you’ve been on a strict, low carb and/or low calorie regimen for a long time, a full day of maintenance level calories might actually be good for you! It will boost your metabolic rate and give your body the signal that you’re not starving and that it’s ok to keep burning a lot of calories.

Over the holidays, schedule your dinners and parties so they become your “free meals.” Then, for the rest of your meals, be steadfast! Just the fact that you know you have free meals coming up will relieve the pressure of staying on a strict diet for a long time.

Also, when you do have your free meal – ENJOY IT! If you’re going to eat it and feel guilty, then don’t have it at all. If you’ve stayed with the program all week long, then when your free meal rolls around, you deserve it!

5. If you fall off the wagon, get right back on it

So you had about a dozen too many of those Christmas cookies did you? Don’t worry; because you have free meals built into your plan, you shouldn’t let guilt immobilize you. Even if you fall completely off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up. All you have to do is get right back on your program without missing another beat.

Too many people mess up once and then think their entire diet is ruined. They feel as if everything they’ve done prior to that day was wasted and there’s no sense going on. Or even worse, they rationalize to themselves, “Well, I already cheated, so it doesn’t matter now, I might as well keep pigging out.”

That’s nonsense. If you threw in the towel every time you didn’t score 100% on your diet, most people would never get through more than a few days on any structured program. Just because you slip up once doesn’t mean you should quit! You’re only human. Don’t let one small slip keep you derailed. Firmly plant your wheels back on the tracks and start rolling again.

6. Maintain your consistent eating schedule

If there’s one thing that all people who successfully get lean and stay lean have in common, it’s consistency. Without it, you never get any momentum going. It’s like taking two steps forward, only to take three steps back.

Many people allow the busy holidays to throw them off their regular eating schedule. They completely veer off their usual meal frequency, or they start eating foods they would normally never eat (because “it’s there”).

Once you have a habit or pattern going, it’s fairly easy to keep it going. But once you lose momentum, it’s very difficult to get it going again because you must overcome inertia all over again. (An object at rest tends to stay at rest!)

On the major holidays, when there’s a big dinner scheduled, many people think that skipping their morning and afternoon meals to “save room” for the big one later is a good idea. It’s not. This is actually a good way to invite a binge that could set your back for days.

Don’t lose your consistency or your momentum. Continue with your pattern of eating small, frequent meals all year round. All you have to do is count your holiday dinners as one of your regular meals and keep them small.

7. Control your portion sizes

You can have your cake and eat it too – you just can’t eat the whole thing! One of the most important rules to remember this holiday season is the law of energy balance, which states: To lose body fat, you must consume fewer calories than you burn up each day.

There are two corollaries to the law of energy balance:

a. A caloric surplus gets stored as fat – even healthy food.
b. Small amounts of anything – even junk food – will NOT get stored as fat if you stay in a calorie deficit.

There’s no reason to deprive yourself of things you enjoy. Just make sure you don’t overindulge. As long as you enjoy your favorite foods in moderation, and you keep working out, it won’t end up around your waistline.

8. Don’t buy into the low standards and expectations of others

Keep your standards high, but don’t expect other people’s standards to be as high as yours. Remember that most people have already planned in advance to fail at fitness over the holidays. You’ve decided to stay strong (haven’t you?) Don’t let their negative influence drag you down.

When you’ve reached your pre-ordained drink limit, say “When” and switch to water or a non alcoholic, non caloric beverage. When they offer you seconds on dessert, politely say, “No thank you, it was absolutely delicious, but I’m full, I can’t eat another bite.” And when the wee hours of the morning start to roll around, and your friends are egging you on to keep partying, politely tell them you need your sleep. Tomorrow is a work out day. If they’re really your friends, they’ll understand.

9. Make the best choices possible in every situation.

You know those tables you see at holiday parties that are covered with yards of chips, dips, pretzels, cookies, salami, candies, punch, liquor, and a seemingly endless assortment of other goodies? Well, did you also notice that there is usually a tray full of carrot sticks, cauliflower, celery and other healthy snacks too?

No matter where you are, you always have choices. Sometimes you have to choose between bad and worse. Other times you can choose between good and better. But always make the best choice possible based on whatever your options are. If nothing else, you can choose to eat a small portion of something “bad” rather than a huge portion, thereby obeying the law of calorie balance.

Chances are good that there’s probably something healthy on the menu at every holiday gathering. As you know, lean proteins and fibrous carbs are a great for getting lean, so fill up on the turkey breast, try to get a vegetable in there, and go easy on the desserts.

10. If you drink, enjoy alcohol in moderation

If you enjoy having a few drinks on special occasions, then go ahead and have a drink or two. But if you’re serious about your fitness goals, then drink infrequently and in moderation. Alcohol puts fat oxidation on hold while providing a large amount of calories. When there’s alcohol in your bloodstream, you’re not in fat burning mode.

I’ve never met anyone who was truly serious about fat loss or bodybuilding who was a heavy drinker. Alcohol and muscles just don’t mix. The impact goes beyond added body fat; your energy levels and workouts can be affected for days after a night of heavy drinking. A glass of wine may have health benefits, but there’s never any reason or excuse for binge drinking or getting drunk.

So go ahead and toast to the New Year, but know when to say when.

In conclusion, there’s no reason to let your exercise and nutrition program spoil your holidays, but there’s also no reason to let your holidays spoil your exercise and nutrition program! Put these 10 holiday tips into practice and you can start losing fat today, not next year.

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto, NSCA-CPT, CSCS
Fat Loss Coach

About the Author:

Tom Venuto is a natural bodybuilder, certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and a certified personal trainer (CPT). Tom is the author of "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle,” which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using methods of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting: www.BurnTheFat.com

Also have a look here for the Body of Your Dreams

Burn your Fat and Feed Your Muscles!

Have You seen Tom Venuto's new Fat Burning System yet? I've read the whole thing (all 340 pages) and it is full of amazing weight loss information about how to lose fat quickly and easily without any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see in the magazines these days. Click here to check it out.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Welcome to my 'strangely titled' Blog

My daughter, Jessica looked over my shoulder and remarked that if I wanted to be taken seriously, perhaps I should have another look at the title of my blog.

“ Burn Fat How “

“That isn’t proper English, Mom. It doesn’t make sense.” Well, I cannot fault her observation. Jess is now 18 and has just finished writing her Matric finals so knows a thing or two about the English language.

Well, in case you are also wondering about the strange title “ Burn Fat How”, I thought I would give you an insight as to why I have set up this blog.

I have been a yo-yo dieter for the past 10 years, and trust me, I now know a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t! Everyone is looking for fast weight loss, but these are things that DO NOT work:

DRUGS - You may get some results but the dreadful side effects just are not worth it.

FAD DIETS - It has been proven that 95% of all diets fail – you need permanent, real world, maintainable results. Incorrect dieting actually SLOWS DOWN your metabolism, making you FATTER!

SUPPLEMENTS - Some people are spending up to $500.00 a MONTH on supplements which DO NOT HELP!

I have spent literally thousands on weight loss programmes, diets, miracle weight loss pills, two shakes a day eating programmes, herbal supplements, magical ab gadgets that will ‘melt ab fat with ease while eating normally’ …….etc ………….etc…………….etc ………….. yakkity yak.

It has taken me that much time and that much money to discover the truth. Yes, the truth. I am not going to preach to you but I can say that without question, successful weight loss and fitness will only come with the RIGHT PROGRAMME and EFFORT on your part. There is NO quick fix, and no gimmick is going to do it for you while you are watching TV!

Permanent Fat Loss, Health and Fitness - all these are attainable by adopting the CORRECT LIFESTYLE.

I feel it bears repeating - NO expensive gadget or magic pill / powder will do it for you. Perhaps they work to a small degree, but just look at the fine print enclosed with these products:
Well, blow me down with a feather - I could use my hair brush - only 3 times a week - for only 20 minutes - while watching TV - and it too would help me lose weight - if I used it “IN CONJUCTION WITH A CALORIE RESTRICTED DIET” ( LOL )

I knew what I wanted to achieve – and that was to BURN FAT – the question was, HOW? Thus I came up with this strangely titled blog page – BURN FAT HOW !

I started a website ( http://www.healthisalifestyle.com/ ) and this blog because I am so sick and tired of the complete b/s we are being bombarded with by overweight, unhealthy money grabbing company executives and ad agencies. I want to share with everyone information from professional experts who are walking the walk, and are living examples what they are teaching.

I have researched various programs available via the internet and have put together for you the absolutely best resources available for REAL WORLD fat loss. The only resources I will talk about are the exact same recources I have used to:

Lose 6.7 kg pure fat,
Gain 3.7 kg muscle,
Go from 37% body fat to 30% body fat.

I WILL NOT discuss websites selling diet pills or weight loss supplements or useless gadgets. I will bring you the truth about six pack abs.

I will also add as much fat loss and fitness information (from recognized experts) as I can – information that I have found to be invaluable. I am passionate about fat loss and health and I am really looking forward to sharing all this information with you.

I will be adding further links to websites dedicated to health, fat loss and fitness – but ONLY when I find websites that are worth a look. I am happy to save you the time it takes to sift through 1,584,239,098 hits relating to these topics (most of which are utter rubbish). I will ONLY present you with the best.
So, please, put this blog on your favorites list and visit me often.

Successful, maintainable fat loss requires 4 factors working together to get the best results:

1. The Correct Time Efficient Exercise
2. Correct Nutrition (No, not DIET !!!)
3. Positive Mental Attitude and Goal Setting
4. The Correct Programme and Support from Like Minded People

I will help you get all four factors under your control.

I also have a lot of free e-books that I am going to share with you over the next few months.
So, tomorrow I will post an article for you to enjoy. See you then.

Yours in fitness and health,

Want to find out about my FAVOURITE fat loss resource? Click Here!

Need a guaranteed exercise program you can do at home or at gym? Click Here!

Want the Body of Your Dreams? Click Here!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Pleased to meet you all !!!

My name is Danette and I am so looking forward to sharing my fat loss story and information with everybody who is sick and tired of all the b/s on the internet promising quick weight loss.

This blog is a real world look at fat loss and a healthy lifestyle.

So, please keep a check on this blog, as I have just started and have great things in store.

Please also feel free to go to: http://www.healthisalifestyle.com and take a look around.
